Filipino review
Filipino Friend Finder is the largest online dating personals service for filipinos
and also for those who are interested in the Filipino culture. The site uses Tagalog,a Filipino character as well as an English interface.
Click here to find Filipino Women
There are total of 403,217 active members right now! That's a lot of filipino singles out coming from major cities like cebu city,Quezon City,davao city,manila for you to know!
Record and Manage up to 5 Webcam Videos about yourself !
Recording your webcam video is a great way to let people get to know you.
You can record up to two minutes in length of video directly from Filipino FriendFinder with just a webcam and microphone. You can do three things with your videos: record, shuffle, or delete. To find out more on how to record your video introduction
Record Your Webcam Video And Get More Responses
Increase your chances of finding somebody. Make a memorable impression by adding a FREE Video Introduction to your profile using your webcam! Give 'em a taste of your action! Set up your lights and camera and be a star! Record your video intro now!
View Popular Video Introductions by Filipino Women
Below are Filipino FriendFinder with the most popular video introductions as voted by users.
Update! Screenshot of popular members' videos

Click here to sign up for a Free account and see some
of the most popular Filipino members' video!
Create your own Blog !
Blogging is a excellent way to let other members to find out more about you and you can also share your real life experiences with other members that you have met on Filipino FriendFinder. You can read other members postings on their blogs or you can start your own. There are a total number of 3,922 blogs and a total posts of 168,277 by active members up till now!
Visit Filipino FriendFinder blogs here.
Upload up to 20 photos of yourself! You won't believe this! You can upload up to a 20 photos to your profile even with a FREE account ! Compare to other popular asian dating services where you can only upload one or two photos, Filipino FriendFinder really over delivers and provides value to members.
What type of Relationships?
Filipino FriendFinder is suitable for you if you are searching for pen pals/
activity partners / friendship / casual dating / serious relationship / marriage
3 easy steps of signing up for a FREE account
- Step 1 register your username and email address
- Step 2 write a short introduction about yourself
- Step 3 check your login password in your email and you are ready to explore !
Filipino FriendFinder has a useful navigation functions and very user-friendly features.
You can search and browse all of Filipino FriendFinder's 403,217 members.
What functions does it have for Flirting Online?
Online flirting is almost non-existent and the only thing you could do is to send a wink to the member you are interested in. However you could flirt around in instant messaging.
Communicate through Emails even for a FREE account!
This is amazing! Filipino FriendFinder allows email communication even if you are a FREE member! Unlike other popular asian dating services, email communication will only be allowed strictly for premium members so as to protect their only source of revenue. However there is a catch, you will not be allowed to exchange contact information between first two emails or your account will be suspended.
Proof of email communication

Chat Rooms
You can pick a room by topic of interest or geographically. Examples for topic of interest includes; Philippines Room, for those who are interested in meeting in the Philippines,Tagalog Room, The Tagalog Language room are use for speaking Tagalog exclusively and many more. The chat rooms are open 24x7, so members are always available and waiting to chat with each other.
Jump right in and you can start chatting away!
Instant Messaging There are three different type of Instant messenger you can choose from namely, Standalone IM where you need to download to your desktop,for those with older browsers and slow connections, you can launch the HTML version and lastly, the new IM where it work in your browser which eliminates the need to download. The new IM (Instant Messenger) comes with a live video chat with sound and you can also filter and sort who's online!

Filipino FriendFinder Magazine
What makes Filipino FriendFinder Magazine so unique is that it relies members for its exciting and very interactive content. You can read, relate or you can even become the editor by adding your own articles. Some of the interesting articles includes :
Breaking Up (1170 articles)
Building a Relationship (1387 articles)
Dating Quiz (181 articles)
Dating Safety (217 articles)
First Dates (528 articles)
General (1111 articles)
General Advice (2097 articles)
Poems (2123 articles)
Relationship Humor (841 articles)
Saying "No Thanks" (210 articles)
Click here to view the above articles in Filipino FriendFinder Magazine
Cupid Preferences
Filipino FriendFinder provides the matchmaking feature called Cupid Preferences where you select any criteria to define the type of person you wish to be notified about. Criteria such as body type,race, education level, martial status and whether your matches will want to have children. Filipino FriendFinder will automatically notify you by email when a person matching your description becomes a member! You may turn it off at any time by changing your account settings.
Filipino FriendFinder has a English / Tagalog language interface.
How much does it cost you?
FREE ! Yes it's true all the features mentioned above are provided to
all Free account members...amazingly and unbelieveable !
Filipino FriendFinder truly under promised and over delivers with quality content. Two thumbs Up !
Click here to gain FREE Instant Access to Filipina women!
