Shortage of Chinese Women in China
During 2000 to 2010, the average gender ratio of newborn babies was 110 males to 118 females. There are 34 million more Chinese men than Chinese women in China. By 2020, 24 million young Chinese men may not find a marriage partner.
Why Chinese male babies are preferred
One of the common reasons why Chinese males are preferred is because of the social culture that having a son can carry on a family’s name. However the cost of bringing up a son in China is very high because Chinese men have to fork out large sum of money (one to two million yuan) to buy a house before they can marry their girlfriends.
Young Chinese women hot in demand
Due to the three decades of China’s one-child policy, the widening gender gap may cause social issues. When there are more young Chinese males, Chinese women in the marriage market have the luxury of picking and choosing the most highly desirable men. This will leave those unwanted Chinese men without any marriage prospects.

young sweet Chinese girls from China
The potential for social tensions may be more rampant since millions of single young Chinese males have no chance of marrying a Chinese woman.
The outcasts single young Chinese males will develop low-self esteem, sexual frustration which may lead to sexual aggression. Cross-cultural evidence shows that young, unmarried low status males are more most likely to commit sexual violence.
Smart beautiful Chinese women
Chinese women in China have proven themselves to be valuable in the society, Chinese females in the cities such as Shanghai, Chengdu now match or even surpass men in their economic contribution to their family and the society.
Young single Chinese women are graduating from university at same rate as men, Chinese women make up nearly 40% of MBA students at top-ranked programmes in prestigious Chinese universities.
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