Asian Dating Tips How To Write The Perfect Introduction Part 2

In the last post we talk about useful tips to help you write your first email message that will make a lasting great impression. Here are more tips to help you score your first online dating sucess.

Online Asian Dating Tips #1: Be Original

Do not try to make generic comments such as “you’re hot” with no information about yourself  and no explanation as to why you think she’s hot. You’ll need something more original to attract her interest. Show your personality in your writing.  If you have a great sense of humor try to blend it in your email to her.  It’s a sure way to impress someone.


Online Asian Dating Tips #2: Write Coherently

Don’t abbreviate too many words in your email message. An abbreviation here and there is okay, but if a person needs a cryptographer to figure out what you’re trying to say, your email is probably destined for the delete button. For example “I would luv 2 chat wif u” is fine, but if the entire email reads like a text message composed by your 13-year-old niece, you’re just going to annoy people!

Online Asian Dating Tips #3: Sell Yourself

It does not mean to put yourself on the discount rack.  Sell yourself by writing without sounding egotistical.  If you’re a successful executive with a fabulous lifestyle, write with confidence but don’t blow your horn about how many cars you own. Remember you want to engage people with your message, not make them roll their eyes.

Online Asian Dating Tips #4: Attach Pictures

People like to see other people’s pictures. Let them see who they are corresponding with unless you are a werewolf. Even if you are uncomfortable showing your face, attach some photos of your best features, like your torso, legs, or even just your eyes. But please keep your private anatomy private as it is not the time to ‘expose yourself’ unnecessarily. It is best to attach action shots or photos of you doing something.

Online Asian Dating Tips #5: Ask Questions

End your email with a question. Closing an email abruptly with something like “Write back if you’re interested” is so lame and not very engaging. Asking questions will prompt people to respond. If a woman’s profile says she likes traveling to exotic beaches and you share the common interest, write something like “I love beaches, too! What is your favorite beach?” and you have hit the jackpot.

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