How To Really Win The Heart Of An Asian Girl

Asian women have so many alluring aspects that captivate numerous men. Oriental beauties have big doll eyes ( not stereotypical slanted eyes), porcelain skin, petite body frame, long silky straight hair that continue to beckon for your attention. Below are some Asian women dating tips .

Dating an Asian girl: What you should NOT do

Asian women hates men who just assume that since she is of Asian roots, she will be either a Chinese or Japanese. It will reflect badly on you and show how socially inept you are.

Before making yourself look dumb in front of her,  do some research on Asian history. If you cannot differentiate between Asian countries such as China and Japan, then you must be a frog living in a well and deserved to be shunned by Asian women.

China and Japan are two different countries. Due to early migration of Chinese immigrants from China, there are also Asian women of Chinese descent in other South East Asian countries. You can find:

  • Thailand women of Chinese descent in Thailand
  • Filipina women of Chinese descent in the Philippines
  • Vietnamese women of Chinese descent in Vietnam
  • Chinese women of Chinese descent in Malaysia

Yes these Asian women have fair white porcelain skin texture unlike their native counterparts.


Do not put on an act in front of her

Please do not show off by impressing her with information you know about her country. It may show that you have done your homework however what she truly want is know more about you.

Dating an Asian girl: What you should do

  • Respect their views and cultural traditions

Many Asian countries have distinct cultural norms such as South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam. Asian girls would greatly appreciate that you respect their traditions and views. Understanding their culture is an necessity, do not be a racist and cast your biased tinted views on her.

What Asian girl truly want from you

Most importantly, you must come across as sincere or she will most likely interpret you as some flirt waiting to pounce on Asian girls. Let your real personality shine through your online conversations and your manner of approach.

But do not expect her to be direct and straight forward like any other western girl. Asian women are brought up in such a way that they do not admit their feelings easily and when she like someone, she is more likely to drop hints rather than a direct confession.

A traditional Asian girl looks for a man who is honest, faithful and can provide a stable lifestyle. Click below for some Asian Chinese online dating sites that you can explore to find suitable Asian girls.


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